Imnul national al Coreei de Sud-Aegukga

Written by ana_ruse. Posted in Recenzii utilizatori


Published on august 13, 2010 with 16 comentarii

Imnul national al Coreei de Sud se numeste “Aegukga”.Titlul inseamna “Cantecul dragostei pentru tara”,sau “Cantecul patriotic”.Compozitorul imnului a fost Ahn Eak-tae,care a murit in 1965.
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Compozitorul Ahn Eak-tae

Versurile imnului in hangul:
동해 물과 백두산이 마르고 닳도록
하느님이 보우하사 우리나라 만세

무궁화 삼천리 화려강산
대한사람 대한으로 길이 보전하세

남산 위에 저 소나무 철갑을 두른 듯
바람서리 불변함은 우리 기상일세

무궁화 삼천리 화려강산
대한사람 대한으로 길이 보전하세

가을 하늘 공활한데 높고 구름 없이
밝은 달은 우리 가슴 일편단심일세

무궁화 삼천리 화려강산
대한사람 대한으로 길이 보전하세

이 기상과 이 맘으로 충성을 다하여
괴로우나 즐거우나 나라 사랑하세

무궁화 삼천리 화려강산
대한사람 대한으로 길이 보전하세

Si in engleza:
Until the day when the East Sea’s waters and Mt. Baekdu are dry and worn away,
God protect and preserve us. Long live our nation!
Three thousand Li of splendid rivers and mountains, filled with Roses of Sharon;
Great Korean People, stay true to the Great Korean way.
The pinetree atop foremountain stands firmly unchanged under wind and frost as if wrapped in armour,
as is our resilient spirit.
Three thousand Li of splendid rivers and mountains, filled with Roses of Sharon;
Great Korean People, stay true to the Great Korean way.
Autumn sky is void and vast, high and cloudless,
the bright moon is our heart, undivided and true.
Three thousand Li of splendid rivers and mountains, filled with Roses of Sharon;
Great Korean People, stay true to the Great Korean way.
With this spirit and this mind, give all loyalty,
in suffering or in joy, love the country.

Si in engleza:Until the day when the East Sea’s waters and Mt. Baekdu are dry and worn away,God protect and preserve us. Long live our nation!
Three thousand Li of splendid rivers and mountains, filled with Roses of Sharon;Great Korean People, stay true to the Great Korean way.
The pinetree atop foremountain stands firmly unchanged under wind and frost as if wrapped in armour,as is our resilient spirit.
Three thousand Li of splendid rivers and mountains, filled with Roses of Sharon;Great Korean People, stay true to the Great Korean way.
Autumn sky is void and vast, high and cloudless,the bright moon is our heart, undivided and true.
Three thousand Li of splendid rivers and mountains, filled with Roses of Sharon;Great Korean People, stay true to the Great Korean way.
With this spirit and this mind, give all loyalty,in suffering or in joy, love the country.

Three thousand Li of splendid rivers and mountains, filled with Roses of Sharon;
Great Korean People, stay true to the Great Korean way.

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16 comentarii

There are currently 16 comentarii on Imnul national al Coreei de Sud-Aegukga. Perhaps you would like to add one of your own?

  1. Am vrut si eu sa scriu despre imnul Coreei dar mi-ai luat-o inainte.Multumesc pentru informatii.Vot!!!

  2. din nou multumesc ana! chiar nu il auzisem!

  3. nici eu nu-l stiam……..Komao!

  4. mersi

  5. Foarte interesanta ideea! Felicitari !Vot din pozitia de drepti!

  6. cu intarziere dar am ajuns si eu aici, vot


  8. mersi mirabel si ko hyun jungA

  9. Meriti!E SUPERB!

  10. Suna foarte frumos, numai ca , desi nu as vrea, sunt o mare patrioata si “desteapta-te romane” ramane cel mai frumos imn de pe glob…

    • Adevarat imnul romanilor e destul de frumos pentru cine e roman doar ca eu vad Coreea mai devotata

  11. Absolut superb! ^.^
    V-as ruga mult..daca imi puteti spune si mie unde pot gasi imnul national al Coreei de Sud cu pronuntia versurilor..deci nu cu traducerea versurilor in hangul,deoarece ma aflu in cadrul unui proiect intitulat “Mind the World” iar tara care o vom studia din toate punctele de vedere(istorie,literatura,muzica,sport,culinar etc.),in decursul unei luni,va fi Coreea de Sud si am nevoie de pronuntia versurilor(vom invata cateva versuri din imn).
    Proiectul se tine in cadrul scolii mele si toti se bazeaza pe mine si pe pasiunea mea pentru aceasta minunata tara^.^…Deci,va roog,..daca ma puteti ajuta,trimiteti-mi un link,un video sau chiar pronuntia versurilor,cu posibilitatea de imprimare,la adresa mea de e-mail:
    Va multumesc anticipat!

  12. Ramona, cred ca ai putea folosi acest link. versurile imnului sunt romanizate, asa ca ai putea cu usurinta sa le retii.

  13. Foarte frumos,am inteles tot ,mai ales ce scria in limba coreeana ,in engleza mai putin!

  14. Iti multumesc mult!!^.^
    E perfect!..O sa-l invat..sau macar o strofa din el si acum,datorita tie,o sa pot sa il cant la Seara de deschidere din cadrul proiectului.Gamsahamnida!!!

    • ma bucur mult :)
      iti tin pumnii! Fifhting!!!!!

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