Articole pe tema “fraze celebre”

  • Fraze celebre ( 11 ) – QSD series

    “At least with me, you can be yourself. Only then my heart will throb. 

You will win over our people’s
hearts as well, Your Highness.
You will make their hearts throb,
 and they will understand your vision.
Then, they will change.

Then… who knows?
I might change as well. ” Bidam ” Cel putin inaintea mea poti fii tu insati. [...]

  • Fraze celebre (10) – QSD Series

    “…Heaven’s will” Va propun astazi un studiu de caz : vom analiza evolutia replicilor maretei Mishil. De fapt aceleasi cuvinte manevrate in contexte diferite si inaintea unor personaje diferite. 1. Mishil catre Yushin : “…a man cannot survive on his own strength alone. One needs a little bit… of Heaven’s will.” “Un barbat nu poate [...]

  • Fraze celebre ( 9 ) – QSD series

    ” Love means stealing without reserve or regret.” Mishil ” A iubi inseamna a fura fara vreo rezerva sau regret. ” Priviti un gigant – este tipul de caracter ce nu se teme in nicio imprejurare, sigur in actiunile sale, intotdeauna cu o privire ce-ti inspira superioritate, o atitudine semeata si gata sa infrunte cu [...]

  • Fraze celebre ( 8 ) – Secret Garden series

    “ …and then the little mermaid turned to bubbles and disappeared.” ” … apoi mica sirena s-a transformat in balonase de aer si a disparut.” Cu acest citat inchei seria replicilor din productia Secret Garden. Restul veti descoperi singuri! Pe parcursul “calatoriei” spre aflarea dragostei adevarate, a sacrificiilor si implinilor de pe urma acesteia, cei [...]

  • Fraze celebre ( 7 ) – Secret Garden series

    “…a chic, short, tanned skin, doesn’t smile much, gets angry easily, eyes that are a little sad. Someone who can’t run for Miss Korea because of a knife scar. Am I crazy? Joo Won “…chic, micuta de inaltime, cu un ten usor bronzat, nu zambeste des, se enerveaza repede, ochi ce par tristi…O persoana care [...]

  • Fraze Celebre ( 6 ) – Secret Garden series

    “All around the world there are 230 countries, and among those , I can speak 5 languages. Nevertheless,I can’t find the exact word to define our relationship exactly.” Joo Won ” In toata lumea exista 230 de tari, si dintre acestea pot vorbi 5 limbi straine. Cu toate acestea, nu pot gasi cuvantul potrivit pentru [...]

  • Fraze celebre ( 5 )

    Boys Before Flowers – “Just because you were born male, doesn’t automatically make you a man. Becoming stronger from losing, yielding even though it is unfair, running away even though it’s shameful, overcoming self confidence over time, that’s how one becomes a real man.” ” Doar datorita faptului ca te-ai nascut barbat, nu inseamna automat [...]

  • Fraze celebre ( 4 )

    Bad Guy – “Don’t ever believe such words as love. But if you want to hear something, here it goes: don’t be the one to love, make someone love you! “ ( Shim Gun Wook ) – ” Nu crede niciodata cuvinte precum dragoste. Cu toate acestea, asculta-ma : nu fii niciodata persoana care iubeste. [...]

  • Fraze celebre ( 3 )

    MISCHIEVOUS / PLAYFUL KISS -”A person’s feelings don’t have one answer like a math problem.” -”Sentimentele unei persoane nu se rezolva asemeni unei probleme de matematica.” Kim Hyun Joong si Jung So Min sunt debutantii comediei-romantice intitulata Jangnanseureon Kiss, productie a anului 2010, ce s-a bucurat de un adevarat succes. Actorul principal, bine cunoscut in [...]

  • Fraze celebre ( 2 )

    FULL HOUSE – ” Aja,aja,…FIGHTING ! ” – Din categoria caracterelor puternice ( vezi Fraze celebre 1 -Dae Jang Geum ) face parte si personajul Ji Eun, interpretat de Song Hye Kyo, in serialul romantic Full House (2004). Poate ca multi ati auzit de personajul litarar Pollyanna, din romanul cu acelasi nume, de Eleanor H. [...]