Yoo Seung Ho

Written by cristina_94. Posted in Recenzii utilizatori


Published on septembrie 08, 2010 with 1,019 comentarii

Yoo Seung-Ho ,s-a nascut pe (08. 17, 1993) is an South Korean actor.A avut primul rol in filmul The way home si in drama Daddy Fish.Apoi a mai jucat in Love Letter, Sad Love Story si The Legend.
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City of Fathers (2009)
Fourth Period Murder Mystery (2009)
Unforgettable (2008)
Heart is… (2006)
Don’t Tell Papa (2004)
Happy Ero Christmas’(2003)
The Way Home (2002)

Flames of Ambition (MBC, 2010)
God of Study (KBS2, 2010)
You’re Beautiful (SBS, 2009) cameo
Queen Seon Duk (MBC, 2009)
The King and I (SBS, 2007)
The Legend (MBC, 2007)
Alien Sam (2006)
Sad Love Story (MBC, 2005)
Precious Family (KBS2, 2004)
The Immortal Lee Soon-Shin (KBS1, 2004)
Love Letter (MBC, 2003)
Daddy Fish (MBC, 2000)
2009 MBC Drama Awards: Male Newcomer Award (Queen Seon Deok)
South Korea Movie Awards: Best Young Actor (2007)
Incheon International Design Paper: Heung Bo Dae Sa (2007)
Korean Children’s Movie Awards: Heung Bo Dae Sa (2006)
KBS Awards: Best Young Actor (2005)
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1,019 comentarii

There are currently 1,019 comentarii on Yoo Seung Ho. Perhaps you would like to add one of your own?

  1. Bya, vezi ca si mie imi place YSH.Vezi ca ti-l fur. :)):) Oricum era al meu :)):))=)))

  2. gata am revenit.

  3. pfff…ce frumos esti maiiiiiiiiii!!!
    You’re MAIN!!!
    imi place cum joci….toate filmele si serialele cu tini ma incanta!!!
    stiti cum l am porecli…*FRUMUSETE INTRUCHIPATA*
    voebesc serios:X:X:X:X:X:X:X

  4. cate commuri is aci!!!
    Eu voi vbi singura aci
    filmul o fo’ superb…si JHJ o scapat
    sincer….ma bucur…chiar daca nu i de bini

  5. ooofff…nush ce sa mai fac
    maini va fi o scena superba…THE KISS

  6. ce sa mai spun???

  7. da greu mere blogul…pfff

  8. mai…daca ar vini si cineva acilisha
    eu is singura

  9. ahhhh
    sa ma apuc de flame of ambition
    i am ready

  10. :X:X:X:X:X:X

  11. :)

  12. god of study….scz

  13. E CINEVA AICI?????

  14. ——–**♥▒♥**####___####**♥▒♥**
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  15. ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
    dragul meu YSH……..SARANGHAEYOOOO!♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

  16. naega deo salang ☼ ☼ ☼ ☼ ☼ ☼ ☼ ☼ ☼ ☼

  17. Buna seara!
    Acum descopar acest loc. Mi-a placut YSH in The Legend, a fost incredibil in rolul printului, chiar daca l-am descoperit in QSD.
    Un actor bun si foarte original prin interpretare. chiar placut sa-l privesti!

  18. ANNYOUNG MODUUU!!!!!ღღღღღღღღ
    IL IUBESC PE YSH!!!!ღღღღღღღღღღღღღღღღღღღღღღღღღღღღღღღ

Lasă un răspuns către Ramona ♥YSH♥